Minecraft’s devs exit its 7 million-strong subreddit after Reddit’s ham-fisted crackdown on protest

  • Last Updated : Jun - 29 - 2023

Mojang, the development team behind Minecraft, has made a significant decision regarding its official presence on Reddit. In a post attributed to sliced_lime, likely Mojang’s Mikael Hedberg, the Minecraft Java Tech Lead, Mojang announced that it would cease posting official content to Reddit. This decision comes in response to recent changes by Reddit’s management, which has led to rule and moderation changes across many subreddits.

The changes on Reddit’s platform were sparked by protests against alterations to its API, which would essentially eliminate third-party apps allowing users to access the site. In response, subreddit moderators initiated various campaigns, including turning subreddits into private communities or marking them as NSFW. Reddit, in turn, pressured dissenting moderators, resulting in some being replaced.

So Long, and Thanks for All the Feedback
byu/sliced_lime inMinecraft

As a consequence, Mojang no longer views Reddit as an appropriate platform for official content or player engagement. This decision affects the availability of official changelog threads on the Minecraft subreddit, where players could interact directly with developers and provide feedback on updates.

While user reactions have been understanding, the move underscores the discontent with Reddit’s leadership. Mojang reassures players that they are welcome to create unofficial update threads and provide feedback through other channels, such as Mojang’s feedback site or social media.

It’s unclear if other Microsoft studios will follow Mojang’s lead in severing official ties with Reddit. Currently, there is no indication of a broader Microsoft-wide initiative. However, this decision highlights the impact of platform policies on developer-community interactions and raises questions about Reddit’s future as a communication channel for game developers.

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